Mitch Kowalski, innovative thinker, Canadian lawyer and author of Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century, was in Eagan, Minn. last week, speaking with Thomson Reuters employees. He spoke about what he calls the “Great Legal Reformation,” which is the early stages of the most disruptive period of time in the history of the …
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200 years of innovation
This post was written by Robert Mccorquodale, marketing executive in the Legal UKI business of Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters is the strategic partner to the Global Law Summit, held this week in London to mark 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta. The event celebrates the history of this important document and its impact …
- March 2, 2015
- Susan Martin
Bob Schukai: If it has a screen, it’s fair game
There has been exploding growth in the area we call the “Internet of Things,” particularly when it comes to wearable and automotive technologies. So what does this mean for Thomson Reuters? Well, according to Bob Schukai, head of advanced product innovation at Thomson Reuters, “if it has a screen, it’s fair game.” In the coming year, his …
- February 19, 2015
- Susan Martin
Jason Thomas joins new Coin Center advisory board
Jason Thomas, manager of Innovation at Thomson Reuters, has joined the advisory board of Coin Center, a non-profit research and advocacy organization focused on the public policy issues facing cryptocurrency technologies. Based in Washington, D.C., the organization seeks to inform and act as a resource for policy makers and media outlets on digital currency technologies, …
- January 14, 2015
- Alex Cook
Special report: City of London law firms embracing innovation
A new report released today by Legal Futures in association with Thomson Reuters, examines the changing face of law firms in the City of London. It demonstrates how far City law firms have moved in a relatively short period of time, mainly (but not exclusively) in response to the recession and the demands of their clients. …
- November 11, 2014
- Paul Sandell
Thomson Reuters employee creates video series on Google Glass
Google Glass is all the rage these days, and a few Thomson Reuters employees have been sharing their thoughts on the product recently. One of those employees is Joe Raczynski, technology manager at Thomson Reuters, who consults on general technology trends in wearable media, security, privacy, and social media in his spare time. Joe created a five-part …
- May 2, 2014
- Susan Martin
Highlighting Open Innovation work at Thomson Reuters
Innovation is alive and well across Thomson Reuters. Whether a concept for a new product, an improved process or technology platform, or a more effective sales approach, we tap into the intelligence of our 60,000 global employee network every day. In 2014, leaders at Thomson Reuters are looking into ways to more quickly and easily surface …
- January 17, 2014
- Susan Martin
Intelligent information and strategic partnerships: Grappling with big data
What do bankers, lawyers, scientists and investment managers need to efficiently complete their jobs? Just a few years ago, they demanded the ability to search a wide span of data and receive precise answers – now, however, the population of information has grown exponentially and it is impossible to have access to the entire population …
- May 31, 2013
- Kelsey Engbrecht