Thomson Reuters employee creates video series on Google Glass
Google Glass is all the rage these days, and a few Thomson Reuters employees have been sharing their thoughts on the product recently. One of those employees is Joe Raczynski, technology manager at Thomson Reuters, who consults on general technology trends in wearable media, security, privacy, and social media in his spare time. Joe created a five-part video series surrounding Google Glass, which can be found on his You Tube channel, and via the links below.
Glass Series Includes:
1) Google Glass – Unboxing: In this video, Joe demonstrates how Glass is packaged and what comes with the device.
2) Thoughts on Google Glass: Privacy, Security and Its Future: Here, Joe discusses some of the concerns around the device and what might be ahead.
3) Google Glass – Navigation: In this video, Joe does a distracted live demo of Glass on the road.
4) Law Firms and Google Glass: Joe explores possible ways an attorney and law firms could use Google Glass as a competitive advantage and to help their clients.
5) Google Glass – Full Demo – Law Firm Search: In this video, Joe demonstrates what you see in your eye with Google Glass. Here, you can see all of the options and apps (glassware) available.