The latest installment of Wait, What? has the guys taking the show into the realm of video. No, you didn’t read that wrong; Jason, Joe and Matt had their latest podcast recorded in an actual news studio in Washington, D.C. After the initial shock of being on camera wore off, the guys settle into a …
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Matt Angelicola
Wait, What? Episode 11: Things get real!
In the 11th edition of Wait, What? the guys talk about government surveillance programs, particularly as they have been executed in the United States. The show looks at the USA Patriot and USA Freedom Acts and discusses what responsibilities and rights any government has or should have when it comes to data collection on its …
- June 29, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 10: The show goes on the road to AwesomeCon 2015
In a very special episode of “Wait, What?!,” the guys travel to AwesomeCon in Washington, D.C. to take in all the sights and sounds. Additionally, the show wanted to get up close and personal with the comic book/science fiction industry to see what people think about the technology and culture associated with these genres. One of the takeaways from the hours spent at the convention was that …
- June 12, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 9: Grandma’s going to be a “pig woman”
In this episode of “Wait, What?” the guys discuss the impact technology has on medicine and medical procedures. Jason starts off the talk by discussing his grandmother’s heart surgery, using a pig valve. This sparks a discussion about the advent of drones as a first responders and whether or not it is actually feasible. The guys then talk about their comfort level …
- May 22, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 8: Ever hit someone in the head with a hammer?
In the eighth episode of “Wait, What?”, the show delves into the unintended consequences of technology. Jason starts off with an example of the dual uses of an everyday hammer. The guys start talking about the misuse of things like the Tor – which are intended for good, but are used for nefarious things as well. Another unintended consequence of technological …
- May 8, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 6: Remember those pictures you took? Well, mom just found them
This episode starts off with a question regarding whether or not any of the guys have any embarrassing photos on the internet. This quickly leads into a conversation about the “Right To Be Forgotten” and whether or not people have a fundamental right to have their mistakes removed (or at least suppressed) from the internet. …
- April 10, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 5: I was going to go out, but I got lazy
In this installment of “Wait, What?” your hosts tackle the question of whether technology makes us lazy or not. They cover everything from grocery delivery services to texting at the dinner table. Jason, Rob and Matt spend quite a bit of time in this episode discussing whether people are productive when they work from home and the effects that “work” phones …
- March 27, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 4: Hey! I think I saw that in a movie…
In the fourth installment of Wait, What? the guys discuss the Science Fact that has come from the Science Fiction of Star Trek, Star Wars, Total Recall, comics, and other media. The show starts with a comparison of the devices that were used in the Star Trek universe of television and movies, and how we’re …
- March 12, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 3: You gotta have heart, even if you can’t measure it
In the third installment of Wait, What? the guys jump right into the topic of technology’s impact on sports and athletes. The conversation starts out with quantifying professional and amateur athletes and quickly transitions into “heart” versus analytics. The discussion moves into the topic of the stadium experience associated with professional sports teams and how the events compete with television, video game consoles, and mobile technology. We’d …
- February 27, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 2: Welcoming our robot overlords
In the latest episode of Wait, What?, we focus on the use of drone technology and artificial intelligence. In the first part of the show, the guys mull over the different uses of drones, briefly discussing the commercial uses of drone technology and what the benefits and drawbacks are of this technology. The discussion also touches on the privacy …
- February 13, 2015
- Susan Martin