Wait, What? Episode 5: I was going to go out, but I got lazy
In this installment of “Wait, What?” your hosts tackle the question of whether technology makes us lazy or not. They cover everything from grocery delivery services to texting at the dinner table. Jason, Rob and Matt spend quite a bit of time in this episode discussing whether people are productive when they work from home and the effects that “work” phones and tablets have on work/life balance. The talk evolves (or maybe devolves) into a discussion of the person who “invented” the wheel and how that may have affected life at home.
Tune into the next show (April 10) when we cover the “right to be forgotten” in cyberspace and what role this may play, going forward.
Also, stick around after the music for yet (another) embarrassing story that Matt shares.
We’d like to keep the show as interactive as possible, so PLEASE send us your feedback, thoughts, and show ideas to legal.current@thomsonreuters.com. Also, you can reach us on Twitter: Matt Angelicola (@MattAngelicola), Joe Harris (@Jwh37), Rob Russell (@batogato), Jason Thomas (@jasonthomas) and Susan Martin (@soozymartin)
I hear a “Serial” vibe
Love the podcast. Have your heard “technology” defined as anything invented after you were born? The next generation won’t think of the Internet as technology any more than we think of light bulbs or refrigeration as technology.
Sounds about right Ed. Its actually really cool to think about what folks will consider technology twenty years from now. I think I was born too early…I’m going to die before I get to see the really cool stuff.
Great Discussion. I think that technology is just another vehicle to expand our intelligence. It seems before technology there was books, libraries, discussions with others… but now we have internet searching. Of course, it depends on the person. Even the word games I play help me with language.