Wait, What? Episode 12: The guys go TV

The latest installment of Wait, What? has the guys taking the show into the realm of video. No, you didn’t read that wrong; Jason, Joe and Matt had their latest podcast recorded in an actual news studio in Washington, D.C. After the initial shock of being on camera wore off, the guys settle into a discussion on the use of Magic Bands at Walt Disney World and how the theme park uses these to enhance the visitor experience. At the same time, they talk about the privacy implications of these devices and just how willing a park-goer is to relinquish elements of their Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for ease of access to certain amenities.
On a related topic, the guys discuss the advent of Amazon’s voice activated system known as “Alexa.” The guys give Jason a pretty hard time about his “relationship” with Alexa, which makes for a great segment.
The show would like to thank the crew at the TIMA studios in Washington, D.C. and would like to specifically thank Krysia Osinski and Alicia Haygood for all their time and effort.
What do you think about the topics in this episode? Do you love us? Hate us? Got some great ideas? Please send your thoughts, feedback and show ideas to our NEW email address: waitwhatshow@thomsonreuters.com. Also, you can reach the team on Twitter: Matt Angelicola (@MattAngelicola), Joe Harris (@Jwh37), Rob Russell (@batogato) and Jason Thomas (@jasonthomas). We’re also on iTunes – just enter “Legal Current” in the search box.