Wait, What? Episode 10: The show goes on the road to AwesomeCon 2015

In a very special episode of “Wait, What?!,” the guys travel to AwesomeCon in Washington, D.C. to take in all the sights and sounds. Additionally, the show wanted to get up close and personal with the comic book/science fiction industry to see what people think about the technology and culture associated with these genres. One of the takeaways from the hours spent at the convention was that there are so many different ways to ingest media. The guys saw everything from folks buying physical comic books to people reading them on their tablets. The conversation that follows is one that questions the actual need for physical books and magazines at all, and whether or not we’re in for a paperless future.
One of the other topics that the guys explore is the idea of “creativity” and whether or not drawing your own version of an established comic book, video game or movie character is actually being creative, or if it’s just copying someone else’s work.
The guys had a great time interviewing people on the floor of the convention which you either listen to at the end of the show, or listening individually below.
We’re what you would call “professionals”:
Superman and Batman: The male Rogue: Gotham villains and Star Wars:AMC’s Comic Book Men:
The highlight of the convention for the show was their interview with Ming Chen (@MingChen37) and Bryan Johnson (@TellEmSteveDave) from AMC’s Comic Book Men. You can listen to Matt become a complete fanboy and botch his portion of the interview.
Check out all the pictures the Wait, What? crew took at AwesomeCon by clicking here.
The show would like to thank the following people for all their help: Jill Collins of Jill Collins PR, our photographer Jen Harris of Jen Harris Studio, and lastly, the entire staff of Awesome Con for accommodating the show.
Keep listening as we’re going to have some great folks sitting in with us in the near future.
What do you think about the topics in this episode? Do you love us? Hate us? Got some great ideas? Please send in your feedback, thoughts, and show ideas. Also, you can reach the team on Twitter: Matt Angelicola (@MattAngelicola), Joe Harris (@Jwh37), Rob Russell (@batogato) and Jason Thomas (@jasonthomas). We’re also on iTunes – just enter “Legal Current” in the search box.