The youngest ever elected president of the Supreme Court of Chile, Sergio Manuel Muñoz Gajardo, recently braved the frigid Minnesota temperatures to visit the Thomson Reuters Eagan campus. The Honorable Judge Muñoz was on a U.S. tour, visiting a number of world-class organizations, and specifically requested a visit to Thomson Reuters. His motivation for visiting the U.S. …
Thomson Reuters and ICMEC release report outlining opportunities for digital economy
A late winter storm may have shut down Washington, D.C. yesterday, but the National Press Club was abuzz this morning when Thomson Reuters and the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) released a new report from the Digital Economy Task Force (DETF) outlining opportunities and risks around the emerging digital economy. DETF co-chairs …
- March 4, 2014
- Alex Cook
Confronting Cyberbullying in Schools
Social media and technology have changed the very nature of bullying. As a result, parents and victims also have changed how they respond, increasingly taking their cases directly to law enforcement rather than notifying school officials first. In fact, a 2013 Thomson Reuters survey of American parents indicated more than one third of parents would …
- March 4, 2014
- Susan Martin
Eric Laughlin in MCC on improving efficiency and increasing productivity
This article was written by Eric Laughlin, managing director of the Corporate Counsel segment at Thomson Reuters, and was featured on Metropolitan Corporate Counsel online. Everyone has the same 24-hour day, but the demands placed on that time are higher than ever before, especially for legal departments. To manage the pressure, legal departments now are implementing …
- March 3, 2014
- Susan Martin
Thomson Reuters sponsors Global Rule of Law panel, part of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum
On Friday, March 7, Thomson Reuters will be the title sponsor of a panel discussion on the global rule of law as part of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum 2014 “Law and Business Day.” Global rule of law is foundational for economic and social development in emerging countries. It is crucial in building the integrity …
- February 28, 2014
- Susan Martin
February podcast: Marriage killers, creepy pranks and cyberbullying
In the February 2014 edition of the Legal Current podcast, we cover: Legal news: Is Facebook a marriage killer? Legal trends & insights: Judge Thomas Jacobs on the nature of cyberbullying and what parents can do to protect their kids. News from Thomson Reuters: Jason Thomas keynote at LegalTech New York last month and the Digital Economy Task Force report coming soon. On …
- February 27, 2014
- Susan Martin
Still expecting your website visitors to make logical choices? Think again.
Does this sound familiar? “Make sure my website content makes me sound important to potential clients.” How about this? “I want my site to look like this other firm’s site.” Or what about this? “People need to know that we’re a serious law firm.” Every day, attorneys across the country give these kinds of directions …
- February 26, 2014
- Mark Jacobsen
Key author of the month: Professor Mary F. Radford
Beginning this month, Legal Current will highlight a Thomson Reuters key author of the month. For our first feature, we profile Professor Mary F. Radford, author of Georgia Trusts and Trustees, Georgia Guardianship and Conservatorship, and Redfearn Wills and Administration in Georgia. Professor Radford is also the Marjorie Fine Knowles Professor of Law at Georgia State University College …
- February 13, 2014
- Susan Martin
LegalTech New York themes: Predictions and processes
After a couple of days at LegalTech a few themes emerged. First, there was the overall nature of the show; Inside Legal had a day-one summary that broke down the vendors in the exhibit hall as follows: eDiscovery vendors 38% Cloud vendors (only touting cloud solutions) 3% Big data (companies marketing big data-type solutions) 5% Information governance …
- February 11, 2014
- David Curle
Highlights from LegalTech New York
This post was written by Craig Larson, senior director of Product Development at Thomson Reuters As LegalTech 2014 wraps up I thought I would share some highlights (and weather-related lowlights). Things Have Changed The Thomson Reuters event featuring Robert S. Mueller III was one of the best sessions I have attended over the many years …
- February 7, 2014
- Susan Martin