An audience of senior lawyers from law firms, chambers, and inhouse legal departments voted definitively against the motion that ‘the European Court of Human Rights is Undermining Democracy’ at the third debate in the Thomson Reuters Legal Debate Series last Thursday evening. With human rights and the ECHR at the forefront of national attention in …
Pro Bono industry is global and thriving – 2015 TrustLaw Index
The Thomson Reuters Foundation has launched the second annual TrustLaw Index of Pro Bono, an annual survey that captures and analyzes global pro bono trends across the legal industry, revealing fascinating insights into the scale and potential growth of the sector. This year’s Index showed that law firms are increasingly devoting extraordinary resources to support …
- June 2, 2015
- Susan Martin
The 5th annual Law Firm CFO/CIO/COO Forum: Data privacy, security and the globalized law firm
This post was written by William Scarbrough, chief operating officer of Bodman PLC This year’s Law Firm CFO/CIO/COO Forum in New York City will focus on data privacy, security and the globalized law firm, certainly one of the biggest and most important management challenges facing law firm leaders today. Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute has assembled a particularly …
- June 1, 2015
- Alex Cook
Thomson Reuters employees support free legal advice and celebrate Magna Carta
Employees from the Legal business of Thomson Reuters recently joined forces with more than 8,000 lawyers, including more than 100 judges and magistrates, to support the London Legal Walk, a 10km walk to raise money for the London Legal Support Trust (LLST), an independent charity that raises funds for free legal services in London and the …
- June 1, 2015
- Paul Sandell
Biased jury claims rarely convince judges to change venue
Attorneys seeking a change of venue over concerns of biased jurors may figure it doesn’t hurt to ask. But it rarely helps. According to Westlaw data, change of venue is seldom granted. Recently, attorneys for convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sought to have his trial moved, citing the tremendous amount of pre-trial publicity surrounding …
- May 29, 2015
- Carrie Brooker
David Curle discusses Thomson Reuters Court Management Solutions with Manoj Jain
Just as technology has changed the practice of law, its impact has also altered the way that courts manage case loads and interact with justice partners and the public. That is where Thomson Reuters Court Management Solutions – and its key product offering, C–Track – comes in. David Curle, director of Strategic Competitive Intelligence at Thomson …
- May 26, 2015
- Alex Cook
Wait, What? Episode 9: Grandma’s going to be a “pig woman”
In this episode of “Wait, What?” the guys discuss the impact technology has on medicine and medical procedures. Jason starts off the talk by discussing his grandmother’s heart surgery, using a pig valve. This sparks a discussion about the advent of drones as a first responders and whether or not it is actually feasible. The guys then talk about their comfort level …
- May 22, 2015
- Susan Martin
Thomson Reuters releases greenhouse gas emissions data on global energy providers
Thomson Reuters today released new research revealing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from 32 global energy companies, a key subset of the world’s largest publically traded businesses. The Global 500 Greenhouse Gas Report: The Fossil Fuel Energy Sector, written in collaboration with global sustainability consultancy BSD Consulting, is the second in a series of GHG reports …
- May 20, 2015
- Alex Cook
Ill Repute episode 5: Deflate-gate and PR issues in the transportation industry
Welcome to Ill Repute, a podcast about reputation and the forces in the 24 hour news cycle and social media that inpact it. In this episode, I speak with our resident PR consultant, Leonard Lee, and Senior Communications Specialist Alex Cook, about the latest Deflate-gate drama, the recent Amtrak crash, and the public relations issues facing the …
- May 19, 2015
- Susan Martin
Thomson Reuters wins two Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve of MN awards
Our nation relies heavily on Guard and Reserve service. Employer support enhances retention rates in the Armed Forces and in the end, strengthens our national security. Last week, the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) of Minnesota recognized the most outstanding examples of employer support at its Annual Employer Support Awards Banquet, and …
- May 19, 2015
- Susan Martin