February podcast: Marriage killers, creepy pranks and cyberbullying
In the February 2014 edition of the Legal Current podcast, we cover:
- Legal news: Is Facebook a marriage killer?
- Legal trends & insights: Judge Thomas Jacobs on the nature of cyberbullying and what parents can do to protect their kids.
- News from Thomson Reuters: Jason Thomas keynote at LegalTech New York last month and the Digital Economy Task Force report coming soon.
- On the legal blogs: Judge bans man from the internet after creepy Craigslist prank.
You can listen to the episode now by clicking the play button on the built-in player below. We’re also on iTunes – just enter “Legal Current” in the search box.
If you have a suggestion for a future interview or episode theme, leave a comment on this blog post or send an email to contact@legalcurrent.com. You can also follow us on Twitter at @legalcurrent.