Social media and technology have changed the very nature of bullying. As a result, parents and victims also have changed how they respond, increasingly taking their cases directly to law enforcement rather than notifying school officials first. In fact, a 2013 Thomson Reuters survey of American parents indicated more than one third of parents would …
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February podcast: Marriage killers, creepy pranks and cyberbullying
In the February 2014 edition of the Legal Current podcast, we cover: Legal news: Is Facebook a marriage killer? Legal trends & insights: Judge Thomas Jacobs on the nature of cyberbullying and what parents can do to protect their kids. News from Thomson Reuters: Jason Thomas keynote at LegalTech New York last month and the Digital Economy Task Force report coming soon. On …
- February 27, 2014
- Susan Martin
Thomson Reuters survey: Parents turn to law enforcement first when children face cyberbullying
There’s little doubt that cyberbullying is a rising problem in the U.S., but where do parents turn when their children encounter cyberbullies? A survey of 642 American parents has found 36 percent of parents would turn to law enforcement to address the issue. The survey was conducted by the Fraud Prevention and Investigations (FP&I) business …
- October 25, 2013
- Alex Cook