Legal professionals in solo and small law firms have been empowered to efficiently manage their practices on the matter-centric Firm Central since it launched this past January. Firm Central brings together all of the most important legal solutions tools for litigators, including documents and forms, calendars, legal news, task lists, access to Westlaw research, billing …
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Brian Mismash
Firm Central: Spotlight on mobility
A few weeks ago, we launched the first in a series of blog posts about Firm Central, the hosted practice management solution designed for small law firms. In addition to providing firms with traditional practice management features like the ability to store documents and contacts in a secure online environment, Firm Central has some truly …
- March 21, 2013
- Susan Martin
How does Firm Central treat documents?
It has been a few weeks since the launch of Firm Central, the hosted practice management solution designed for small law firms, and so far the launch is a huge success. In addition to providing firms with traditional practice management features like the ability to store documents and contacts in a secure online environment, Firm …
- March 1, 2013
- Susan Martin