Practical Law Dynamic Tool Set Wins “Legal Research Innovation of the Year” Award

Yesterday Practical Law Dynamic Tool Set was announced as a 2021 LegalTech Breakthrough Award winner in the “Legal Research Innovation of the Year” category. The award recognizes standout legal technology companies, products and services around the globe.
LegalTech Breakthrough’s international annual awards program, which attracted more than 1,300 nominations from more than 12 countries this year, aims to conduct the most comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the top technology companies, solutions and products in the legal technology industry.
Thomson Reuters introduced Practical Law Dynamic Tool Set – features in Practical Law that use AI and dynamic graphical navigation to help legal professionals work better and with greater confidence – in July. The tool set allows users to access five distinct features: Dynamic Search, Knowledge Map, Quick Compare, Interactive Matter Maps and What’s Market Analytics.
The features help users to navigate Practical Law resources to discover and visualize content in new ways; find the most relevant answers and know-how, like practice notes, checklists and articles, more quickly; compare content across multiple jurisdictions; analyze market trends at a glance; and plan and manage matters with quick customizable views of the work to be done.
Dynamic Tool Set has earned positive reviews from leading industry influencers, including Above the Law Editor Joe Patrice, who noted: “My takeaway was that Practical Law has its eyes very much on the importance of delivering its content to users in the best way possible. More customization, more AI assistance, more visualization. The content has always been there, now it’s about constantly innovating when it comes to delivery.” On Dewey B. Strategic, Jean O’Grady noted: “Thomson Reuters is releasing a powerful suite of new tools to enhance workflow within Practical Law.”
Thomson Reuters congratulates all the Practical Law colleagues who contributed to developing Practical Law Dynamic Tool Set! Read about Practical Law Product Management and Editorial team members’ favorite Dynamic Tool Set features here and here.