Are you biased? You may not think so, but what about implicit bias? Is bias the negative form of perspective? The topic of bias may be uncomfortable and an area many would prefer to avoid. Most of us know we have a bias for many things; they can be as simple as preferring a booth …
Information and commentary on the business and practice of law at Thomson Reuters.
#AALL19: Federal and State Court Analytics Deep Dive
Baseball has a statistic for nearly everything and can inform the audience of a batter’s average against left-handed pitchers, on the road, during afternoon games, when the temperature is above 85 degrees in July. Sports, maybe one of the most famous users and consumers of data for analysis, disseminates that data to increase engagement of …
- July 2, 2019
- Jeff McCoy
VANTAGE 2019: 3E in the Cloud
A highlight of last week’s VANTAGE 2019 Worldwide Conference, which brought together more than 1,200 Thomson Reuters Elite customers, partners and employees in San Diego, was a session on 3E in the Cloud. Ruby Lee and Jerid Dupier from Elite’s product management team and Elite lead architect Mark Gendein shared the implementation approach and roadmap …
- July 1, 2019
- Kara Pederson
#AALL2019: Celebrating 100 Years of American Law Reports
We’re commemorating the 100-year anniversary of American Law Reports – probably best known simply as ALR – and we look forward to celebrating at the 2019 American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting & Conference. With its first article published in 1919, ALR has been frequently cited by the courts for a century. It …
- July 1, 2019
- Carrie Brooker
Increase in Personal Property Leasing Makes Understanding of Article 2A Required
The number of significant cases involving personal property leasing has increased rapidly over the past few years. Knowledge of basic contracts or sales law has proven to be insufficient in such cases; a solid understanding of Article 2A is required. For example, the common law topics of liquidated damages,[1] product liability,[2] usage of trade,[3] damages,[4] …
- June 28, 2019
- Kara Pederson
Improving Knowledge & Understanding Across the Firm
LeClair Ryan’s Erik Gustafson and Chris Lange shared with VANTAGE Worldwide 2019 conference attendees some of the key benefits they’ve experienced using Panoramic, a unique workflow solution from Thomson Reuters that enables firms to plan, manage, and execute legal matters with confidence. Giving everyone in the firm a view to the big picture of planning, …
- June 27, 2019
- Leonard Lee
#AALL19: Fostering the NextGen Library Professional
“As client needs, expectations and behaviors are changing, we are seeing many firms adopt highly innovative approaches to drive greater efficiency, predictability and cost-effectiveness. Clients have more choices than ever for meeting their legal needs, and leading firms are now tailoring their strategies and delivery models to provide legal services in the manner that most effectively …
- June 26, 2019
- Jeff McCoy
Special Podcast Series: Wright & Miller’s Federal Practice & Procedure Marks 50 Years of Publication – episode 2: The Evolution & Future of Class Actions
Class action lawsuits have undergone many changes in recent years as a result of U.S. Supreme Court decisions and changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Episode 2 of our special podcast series marking the 50th anniversary of the first publication of Wright & Miller’s Federal Practice & Procedure discusses those changes as well …
- June 25, 2019
- Leonard Lee
A “Gig Economy” for Lawyers?
Hardly a day goes by when we’re not interacting with someone working the “gig economy” — that Uber driver who gave us a ride, a Instacart grocery shopper or the Bite Squad person dropping off your dinner. You soon might be able to add one more person to that list: your lawyer. A pair of …
- June 25, 2019
- Leonard Lee
#AALL19: Library of Congress Opens Doors for Thomson Reuters Customer Appreciation Event
The annual Thomson Reuters Customer Appreciation Event held during the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) annual meeting and conference will be at the renowned Library of Congress on July 15. Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress, will deliver a brief keynote on the importance of public access to justice and legal information. Attendees will …
- June 24, 2019
- Jeff McCoy