Global News
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Wednesday 24th Sep 2014
News from our friends in Australia this week: Victoria Police has adopted Thomson Reuters’ Westlaw AU and ProView services – delivered via tablet and desktop computer – to help its prosecuting officers better conduct legal research and determine strategies for effective presentation of cases. Noting the demands placed on prosecutors as a result of an ...
Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014
This post was written by John Duprey, technology architect at Thomson Reuters Introduced in time for this week’s UN Climate Summit 2014 and Climate Week NYC, Sustainability Analytics, a new tool from Thomson Reuters, captures and reports changes in interest levels and examines the appearance and impact of major climate-related events, discussions and campaigns across ...
Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014
The Legal business of Thomson Reuters and Obelisk Support, the multilingual legal business built around communities of highly-skilled lawyers, recently announced an innovative collaboration to help corporate legal departments deliver greater value to their stakeholders. The collaboration comes at a time when corporate legal departments, faced with an increasing workload and the need to manage costs ...
Monday 22nd Sep 2014
The third issue of Thomson Reuters Exchange Magazine was recently released, tackling the theme of Innovation. Highlights from the issue include Thomson Reuters IP & Science business President Basil Moftah on ten areas of innovation that will change our world by 2025; Mona Vernon of our Data Innovation Lab and F&R Chief Technology Officer Philip Brittan on how ...
Monday 22nd Sep 2014
Serengeti, a Thomson Reuters business, is hosting an evening with Richard Susskind on Tuesday, Sept. 30. This exclusive free event for in-house counsel is to celebrate the expansion of the Serengeti business in the UK, and presents an unmissable opportunity to hear one of the legal industries most highly regarded thought-leaders speak. The event will be ...
Wednesday 17th Sep 2014
As a result of privacy laws becoming more widespread, the number of reported privacy cases being fought in the UK courts has doubled in five years to 56 cases in the last year (year-end being May 31), up from 28 five years ago. Whilst the use of privacy law was once restricted to celebrities to prevent the ...
Friday 12th Sep 2014
Thomson Reuters is about bringing transparency, trust and insight around important information needed by professionals to work and engage in society. The sustainability space and the thinkers who are driving it are an important part of this larger network of information needed by our customers. provides regular insights on emerging threads in the global field of ...
Tuesday 9th Sep 2014
China University of Political Science and Law Press, a leading legal publisher in China, just published a bilingual (English and Chinese) legal research textbook based on West’s Analysis of American Law/Key Number System and WestlawNext. This 700-page textbook is the first bilingual textbook of legal research in American law. The author, Chang Wang, is the Chief ...
Monday 8th Sep 2014
Canadian Lawyer InHouse, a Thomson Reuters business, announced the winners of the first-annual Innovatio Awards, which recognizes the innovative work of legal departments among Canadian businesses and their legal service provider partners. This year’s honorees are: RBC – Law Department Management/Innovation of the Year TVO – Law Department Management Cisco Systems Inc. – Working with ...
Friday 5th Sep 2014
This article was written by guest author Luis F. P. Leiva Fernandez*. This is part of a series of opinion articles and the original Spanish version can be found below. For six months every legal player must verify the survival of the regulations on which their activity is based, in order to present the observations foreseen ...
Tuesday 2nd Sep 2014
This article was written by guest author Ramon G. Brenna.* It originally appeared in the Argentinean Legal Digest and the original Spanish version can be found below. We have the Argentinean Legal Digest. The National Congress has approved the law establishing it. After 15 years of hard work and studies, combined with persistance, determination, expertise, effort, the adequate ...
Tuesday 26th Aug 2014
This article was written by guest authors Fabiano Del Masso, Juliana Abrusio and Marco Aurélio Florêncio Filho*. This is part of a series of opinion articles that originated in Brazil, so the original Portuguese version can be found below. The Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in Brazil, dealt with by Law no. 12.965/2014, comes into force ...
Wednesday 20th Aug 2014
No matter what size your firm is or its location, you must have a global mindset. Oh, and we will all be replaced by robots. Those were the key takeaways after the Wednesday morning keynote at ILTA 2014. Rohit Talwar, CEO of Fast Future Research Limited presented “Unleashing IT to Disrupt, Define and Differentiate Future ...