Dear friend,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you recover from the massive storms that have so dramatically impacted Texas and Florida and will likely affect parts of Florida’s neighboring states in the days to come. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe.

In Florida and areas still being affected by Hurricane Irma, we understand that your immediate concerns must be for the safety of family and neighbors. We also know that the full extent of the damage for either of these weather events will not be understood for weeks or longer. But we also want you to know that we care and we want to help.

We have set up a hotline for customers displaced by the disasters, and we ask that you please contact us at 1-800-554-8909, ext. 855588, even if it’s just to let us know that you’re ok. When you better understand your needs or are thinking about how you’re going to get back on your feet, we will be here to help.

Please know that we are fully committed to stand with you as you recover and rebuild.

Very best wishes,

Lea Harpster

Vice President, Customer Support
Thomson Reuters


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