Midsized law firms are increasingly implementing cloud-based systems as they recognize the strategic advantages to improving their technology platforms. Firms like Wisconsin-based Davis & Kuelthau, S.C., which is transitioning from Enterprise to the cloud version of 3E, want solutions that will reduce their hardware infrastructure investment and improve flexibility, while improving technology security and remote …
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cloud technology
ACCAM17 Panel – What Technology Should Your Legal Department Deploy Now?
What is your problem? Maybe the question should be what “are” your problems? At the 2017 Association of Corporation Counsel (ACC) annual meeting, a session focused on helping smaller legal departments look at what, where, when and how to deploy existing technologies to address their pain points. A survey of the attendees prior to …
- October 18, 2017
- Jeff McCoy
ILTACON – Up, Up, and Away!
At the “Up, Up, and Away! Your Ascent into the Cloud!” session at ILTACON 2015, a panel of experts assembled to discuss the current state of cloud computing in the legal market. IT professionals from Broad and Cassle and Eagle Technologies discussed modern uses of cloud computing and analyzed its effectiveness in the legal marketplace. …
- September 1, 2015
- Andrew McLennan-Murray
Kris Nimsger on Case Logistix 6.0 and more at the ILTA Conference 2013
We caught up with Kris Nimsger, managing director & general manager, Practice Technology & Services to talk about what’s new as ILTA Conference 2013 kicks off. 1) Case Logistix 6.0 just launched. What’s new with this version? Case Logistix 6.0 has several major new features, including a brand new, customizable user interface, a new advanced …
- August 20, 2013
- Kelsey Engbrecht