Wednesday 24th Jul 2013
Predictive coding can provide major benefits when dealing with high volumes of electronically-stored information (ESI). But at the same time, it is far from a “silver bullet” in handling ESI. There are four essential concepts that emerge when examining matters that have successfully and unsuccessfully utilized predictive coding. Ed Sohn, assistant vice president for professional ...
Monday 15th Jul 2013
Finding the right information on a company’s business structure and relationships can be like searching for a needle in haystack. Thomson Reuters Company Investigator helps users find information on companies to assist with business development, litigation, due diligence and a host of other applications. Company Investigator accesses more than 30 million company profiles, including 20 million hard-to-find ...
Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013
In the case of Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated, but synthetic complementary DNA (“cDNA”) is patent eligible because it is not naturally occurring. The distinction is ...
Thursday 30th May 2013
The Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters recently published a new study called Building BRICKS, in which the global research impact of what are known as the BRICK nations is explored. Over a ten year period, global research publications and R&D spending were studied in relation to the patent activity of Brazil, Russia, ...
Tuesday 9th Apr 2013
Law firms are beginning to borrow from the corporate world to incorporate aspects of their clients’ business models. Fenwick & West has created a new Product Manager role that borrows from the consumer products world and is modeled on a structure commonly seen in their clients’ businesses. Managing Partner Kate Fritz discusses Fenwick’s innovative efforts ...
Thursday 28th Feb 2013
Celebrity scandals always seem to capture the public’s attention, as evidenced by recent headlines involving Lance Armstrong, Manti Te’o, Lindsay Lohan, and any number of celebrities that you see populating the checkout line magazine rack. But after the headlines fade, what are the consequences of these scandals? Why do some scandal-scarred celebrities rebound while others ...
Monday 25th Feb 2013
Recent news reports have called attention to the risks of American businesses and government agencies being hacked by Chinese agents. And a new classified National Intelligence Estimate reportedly lists several other nations, including France and Israel, as sources of cyber-espionage against US targets. Peter Toren, Intellectual Property and Computer Crimes expert with Weisbrod Matteis & Copley ...
Friday 1st Feb 2013
The Super Bowl is almost as well known for its commercials as it is for the game itself. The commercials are also well known to attorneys, since trademark infringement against the NFL is becoming a major issue. Greg Korn of Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump and Aldisert LLP discusses some of the pitfalls that await businesses ...
Friday 21st Dec 2012
Our episode this month highlights some great legal aspects of interesting news stories. To start, our “Chaos in the Courts”segment talks how not to use Twitter during a natural disaster. Then in our “On the Blawgs” segment, we feature a story how not to use Instagram when you’re voting Our interview segment is with Christopher ...
Thursday 20th Dec 2012
Christopher D. Bright, an attorney with McDermott Will & Emery LLP talks about why IP litigation is one of the fastest-growing practice areas in law. Listen to the episode now by clicking the Play button on the built-in player below, or to download the podcast, right-click here .
Friday 14th Dec 2012
Thomson Reuters has announced the 2012 Top 100 Global Innovators list, honoring 100 corporations and institutions around the world that are at the heart of innovation as measured by a series of proprietary patent-related metrics. The full report is available at http://www.top100innovators.com. Financial analysis of the acknowledged companies gives credence to their significance in that ...
Wednesday 31st Oct 2012
Our episode this month highlights some great legal aspects of interesting news stories. To start, our “Chaos in the Courts” segment shows one way of getting to know the local wildlife. Then in our “On the Blawgs” segment, we feature a story about a supposed wine collection of Thomson Jefferson’s. Our interview segment is with ...
Monday 29th Oct 2012
This post was written by Rachel Billman. “In today’s world, litigation is a contact sport”, says New York attorney Anthony Curto. The courts are clogged with thousands of cases. Lawsuits often take years, they cost too much, drain all parties psychologically and financially, and produce outcomes that no one can predict. Day by day, with ...