This post was written by Mike Carlson, reference attorney at Thomson Reuters Reference attorneys are among the folks participating in this year’s American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) conference. At the end of the first day on Sunday, we chatted about some trends we noticed working the trade show floor. One clear trend was the …
Homepage Featured
Anne Ellis and Dwight Opperman on the Fastcase 50 list
Yesterday, the law’s smartest and most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders were recognized in the Fastcase 50. We were thrilled to see Anne Ellis, senior director, Librarian Relations at Thomson Reuters, on that list. According to her bio on the Fastcase site, “great service is all about relationships, and nobody has better relationships.” This describes Anne’s approach …
- July 12, 2013
- Gretchen DeSutter
Optimizing your university legal department: New white paper available
Current economic circumstances have placed legal professionals in a variety of positions under extra pressure to prove their worth – and legal departments at universities are no different. However, these departments, whether they come from small or large universities, often find difficulty in managing spending, results, and risk. A new white paper from Thomson Reuters …
- July 11, 2013
- Kelsey Engbrecht
Thomson Reuters joins Minnesota Twins in celebrating Armed Forces Appreciation Day
It was a perfect summer day in Minneapolis this past Sunday when Thomson Reuters sponsored the 10th annual Armed Forces Appreciation Day with the Minnesota Twins. Veterans and active service members from all five branches of the U.S. military were honored during a pre-game ceremony and throughout the afternoon during the Twins’ tilt with the …
- July 3, 2013
- Alex Cook
Podcast: Jorge Goldstein on Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc.
In the case of Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated, but synthetic complementary DNA (“cDNA”) is patent eligible because it is not naturally occurring. The distinction is …
- July 2, 2013
- Leonard Lee
Alison Frankel from Aspen: Justice Kagan calls surveillance cases ‘growth industry’
This post was written by Allison Frankel, editor, On The Case Speaking late Saturday afternoon at the Aspen Ideas Festival, U.S Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was every bit as diplomatic as you would expect a woman who has survived the Senate confirmation process to be. Chief Justice John Roberts? “A great chief justice,” who …
- July 2, 2013
- Susan Martin
Alison Frankel on America’s opportunity gap – and why it’s bad for lawyers
This post was written by Allison Frankel, editor, On The Case Near the end of a delightful interview at the Aspen Ideas Festival, CBS journalist Rita Braver asked Williams & Connolly superlawyer Robert Barnett – who also happens to be her husband of many decades – what advice he would offer to young attorneys. Could …
- July 1, 2013
- Susan Martin
Cary Burch recaps Vantage Miami 2013
In the two video clips below, Cary Burch, president of Thomson Reuters Elite, gives a quick recap of the Vantage Miami 2013 Conference, and a warm send off to those who were not able to attend.
- June 28, 2013
- Gretchen DeSutter
What keeps you up at night?
In the General Session at Vantage Miami on Tuesday, Bill Burch, vice president of Global Sales for Thomson Reuters Elite, reflected on the concerns he is hearing from senior management at law firms. As his head hits the pillow at night, his brain starts racing with concerns and challenges around the competition. Thoughts like, “show …
- June 28, 2013
- Gretchen DeSutter
Alison Frankel on election savant Nate Silver: Why punditocracy gets politics wrong
This post was written by Allison Frankel, editor, On The Case If Nate Silver, the data-driven New York Times FiveThirtyEight blogger who nailed state-by-state results in the 2012 presidential election, had been a better baseball player or a more satisfied KPMG numbers cruncher, our current political discourse would be a lot less analytically savvy than …
- June 27, 2013
- Susan Martin