This post was written by Lise Freking, director of ProView product line strategy and marketing The Thomson Reuters booth at the AALL Annual Meeting in Philadelphia this past week was abuzz with action as the ProView marketing and strategy team announced two new eBook solutions for law libraries: A Library Management Solution (LMS), powered by EOS; and …
Ashley Madison hack: There is no such thing as guaranteed data security
This post was written by Michael Whitener, partner at VLP Law Group The typical website privacy policy begins by telling you earnestly, “We understand privacy is important to you.” That assurance takes on special meaning if the website’s mission is to help philandering husbands and wives engage in covert affairs. Such is the mission of …
- July 23, 2015
- Susan Martin
Mind Your Business episode 2: A conversation with Pat David of JP Morgan Chase
Mind Your Business returns, and in this installment, Patsy Doerr, global head of Corporate Responsibility and Inclusion at Thomson Reuters, is joined by Pat David, managing director and global head of Diversity for JP Morgan Chase. Among the topics they cover include diversity in the financial sector and how diversity and inclusion have evolved over …
- July 23, 2015
- Susan Martin
A Lawyer inspired by “To Kill a Mockingbird” defends the Atticus Finch of “Go Set a Watchman”
This post was written by Jessica Tam, editorial assistant. It was originally posted on In our 2007 Texas Super Lawyers Magazine, antitrust attorney Allan Van Fleet added his name to the list of lawyers who became lawyers because of the example of Atticus Finch. “I know it’s a cliché,” he said back then, “but I …
- July 22, 2015
- Susan Martin
AALL session recap: How Collaboration and Crowdsourcing are Changing Legal Research
Bob Ambrogi, lawyer, consultant and blogger at Law Sites, spoke at a well-attended session this morning at the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting. Titled “Playing Well With Others: How Collaboration and Crowdsourcing are Changing Legal Research,” Ambrogi’s presentation began with a light-hearted scolding of lawyers and legal professionals who simply “aren’t very good …
- July 20, 2015
- Susan Martin
AALL session recap: Technological Innovation in the Practice of Law
In a session at AALL called “Hot Topic: Technological Innovation in the Practice of Law,” three panelists spoke about what innovation means to them and precautions people need to take when being innovative. Daniel Lewis, co-founder and CEO of Ravel Law started things off by talking about how innovation is not about replacing lawyers, like some …
- July 19, 2015
- Susan Martin
AALL Annual Meeting keynote speaker Terry Gross
The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting is in Philadelphia, PA this year, and this morning’s keynote speech was given by Terry Gross, host and executive producer of Fresh Air on NPR. Gross began her keynote by talking about the paradoxical profession she is in. She considers herself a very private person, yet she …
- July 19, 2015
- Susan Martin
Wait, What? Episode 12: The guys go TV
The latest installment of Wait, What? has the guys taking the show into the realm of video. No, you didn’t read that wrong; Jason, Joe and Matt had their latest podcast recorded in an actual news studio in Washington, D.C. After the initial shock of being on camera wore off, the guys settle into a …
- July 17, 2015
- Susan Martin
The Power of Connection and Business Law Center on WestlawNext
This post was written by Andy Duggan, product operations lead at Thomson Reuters “The Power of Connection” is the theme for this year’s AALL Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. Most would agree that “connection” is meant in a personal sense – the conference is our chance to connect with our peers and colleagues in order to …
- July 16, 2015
- Susan Martin
Put legal know-how at the fingertips of your library patrons
This post was written by Mark Absey, senior marketer at Thomson Reuters What if your library could provide library patrons with quick and thorough answers to complex questions and timely topics? Well, if you are in Philadelphia for AALL annual meeting next weekend, you’re in luck. Join us at the AALL Exhibitor Showcase on Sunday, …
- July 15, 2015
- Susan Martin