The last five years have seen significant change in the legal marketplace. According to this panel, delivering services to clients is chief among the transformations. At this ILTA session, Ron Friedmann of Fireman & Company, Scott Rechtschaffen at Littler Mendelson, P.C., and Andrew Perlman from Suffolk University Law School discussed “The Legal Industry Inflection Point: The …
On the edge of law firm technology – ILTA 2014 session
Over the previous three years at ILTA, one of the most popular sessions has been “What’s That? New and Cool Technologies.” This year was no different. A capacity crowd of legal technologists listened to the witty foursome of Jeffrey Brandt of PinHawk LLC, Mark Manoukian of Kegler, Brown, Hill & Ritter, Beau Mersereau of Fish & …
- August 20, 2014
- Joe Raczynski
Should law firms build apps?
On the first day of ILTA’s 2014 convention on Monday, I attended a rather fascinating session. The title was “To App or Not To App?” and it was focused around if it makes sense for a law firm to produce their own apps. The following questions were posed: Do law firm apps really do the useful things they …
- August 19, 2014
- Joe Raczynski
Unlocking the power of the Cloud
Pressures are increasing for legal IT professionals to increase productivity and reduce costs. Couple that with the demand for anytime and anywhere access to law firm data and the result is a multi-front push for cloud based solutions. At the forefront of this struggle are core functions of a firm like content management, collaboration, search, eDiscovery and …
- August 19, 2014
- Joe Raczynski
eDiscovery: Backup and cloud safeguards
This post was written by Joe Raczynski, technology manager for Large Law Firms, Thomson Reuters “Not preparing for eDiscovery will cause your company to spend millions meeting an eDiscovery request via a lawsuit or investigation or worse – losing a multi-million or multi-billion dollar lawsuit because you cannot retrieve data in time to satisfy a judge.” …
- October 18, 2013
- Joe Raczynski
State of the eDiscovery software & service market
eDiscovery has matured into a petulant toddler. At least, that is the sentiment of a panel discussing the “State of the eDiscovery Software & Service Market” at LegalTech. Since its inception in December 2006 as an amendment to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), electronic discovery, has grown exponentially; however, the means to harness …
- February 7, 2013
- Joe Raczynski
White paper: Customizing legal technology solutions
Legal technology tools abound; however, no single application satisfies all parties. Law firms, corporate legal and government agencies are continually seeking tools to deliver richer, more dynamic intelligent environments for users within their workflow. A major “need” is customizing these applications and tailoring specific content to align with a practice group, division or department. Through true …
- May 23, 2011
- Joe Raczynski