In the video clip below, Eric Sugden, chief technology officer at Thomson Reuters Elite, summarizes day one of the 2014 Vantage Worldwide Conference.
Finally, a single user interface – Workspace from Thomson Reuters Elite
Workspace, a new Thomson Reuters Elite platform, is now available. The platform, announced this week, provides a single interface so users can access a range of Elite solutions and third-party products from both desktop and mobile devices and improve workplace efficiency. Workspace unifies operational systems with a common architecture, through which law firms can easily …
- June 12, 2014
- Gretchen DeSutter
Moving keynote at annual Association of Legal Administrators conference
At this year’s Association for Legal Administrators annual conference in Toronto, the focus lies heavily on our ever-changing profession. And today, Commander Mark E. Kelly opened the keynote presentation by talking about his own evolving career: from a marine engineering student to Naval aviator to NASA shuttle pilot and now to author and supporter of …
- May 21, 2014
- Gretchen DeSutter
Association of Legal Administrators conference this week in Toronto
I am at the annual Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) conference this week. Perhaps most interesting, Thomson Reuters is participating in a special exhibit that makes a compelling and well-researched case for what the Law Office of the Future might look like: highly technical, perfectly collaborative and somehow cozy and roomy at the same time. We’re thrilled to …
- May 19, 2014
- Gretchen DeSutter
Terms and Conditions: Privacy and Security in the Social Age
Wednesday night, I attended the LegalTech New York viewing of Terms and Conditions May Apply, and I was blown away. I try to be a smart consumer, and I am a protective parent. But after watching this film I wondered if my children and I had traded a little too much privacy for some of …
- February 7, 2014
- Gretchen DeSutter
LegalTech New York day one: Cyber security or cyber scary?
Jason Thomas’s keynote on the first day of LegalTech New York was the talk of the show at the end of day one on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Everyone was buzzing about technology and the direction technology is taking our society. The conclusions are all the same: We will continue to use technology for work and for pleasure, …
- February 5, 2014
- Gretchen DeSutter
Robert S. Mueller, former director of the FBI, speaks at Thomson Reuters LegalTech New York event
When Robert S. Mueller III began his tenure leading the Federal Bureau of Investigations in September 2001, he did not know that within that first week his world – and the entire world – would be forever changed. At a Thomson Reuters-hosted event at LegalTech New York last evening, the former director of the FBI described the …
- February 5, 2014
- Gretchen DeSutter
NAMWOLF Annual Meeting and Expo in Minneapolis, MN this week
This week, the National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF), is holding their ninth annual NAMWOLF Meeting and Expo in Minneapolis. NAMWOLF, founded in 2001, is a nonprofit organization comprised of minority and women-owned firms. Their organization states, “Many corporations and public entities interested in diversifying their outside law firm ranks have …
- September 23, 2013
- Gretchen DeSutter
Dan Dabney on reclassifying headnotes in the Key Number System
In the video below, Dan Dabney, chief taxonomist at Thomson Reuters, describes how our attorney-editors continue to make alterations to the Key Number System, including reclassifying 300,000 headnotes for the revisions to the Election Key Number. This year, the editorial staff also combined the topics “schools” and “colleges and universities” into a new topic: “education.” This …
- July 17, 2013
- Gretchen DeSutter
Anne Ellis and Dwight Opperman on the Fastcase 50 list
Yesterday, the law’s smartest and most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders were recognized in the Fastcase 50. We were thrilled to see Anne Ellis, senior director, Librarian Relations at Thomson Reuters, on that list. According to her bio on the Fastcase site, “great service is all about relationships, and nobody has better relationships.” This describes Anne’s approach …
- July 12, 2013
- Gretchen DeSutter