This post was written by Patrick Dunn, marketer at Thomson Reuters

Recognitions and honors are what the marketing world calls third-party validations, and they can be extremely valuable marketing tools for attorneys. They make them stand out in an increasingly competitive legal market. However, these benefits mean more when lawyers promote them in their overall marketing approach.

It really hearkens back to the old adage “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” For lawyers, if an intended consumer base doesn’t know about their recent speaking engagement, scholarly writings or top list selection are they really maximizing your exposure?


For firms to succeed in their marketing strategy, we suggest they take every opportunity to tout themselves through communication with their audiences (employees, customers, potential clients, related industry associates, etc.) to inform them about the recognition. The key is to share achievements in a way that showcases the firm without coming off as self-serving.

It’s with this in mind that we created a new playbook, Leveraging Your Legal Accolades. This free digital book offers basic, easy-to-use advice for any attorney wondering how to make the most of their successes.

Among the topics addressed in the playbook are:

  • Viewing a law firm as a brand
  • Why accolades are so important to marketing efforts
  • Avenues and formats for sharing a firms successes
  • The role of content marketing and testimonials

From issuing a press release to blogging to forming an email marketing strategy, Leveraging Your Legal Accolades serves a basic, yet tactical guide on the value of self-promotion. Download the playbook by visiting


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