Workspace: Justin Farmer Focuses on Efficiencies
Sessions continue in full force today at the VANTAGE 2016: Worldwide Conference held in Nashville, Tenn., where I checked in with Justin Farmer, senior director, Product Management, on what he is hearing at the event.
Legal Current: Justin, what are some of the key issues you have been hearing from customers this year, and why they have chosen to spend a week at VANTAGE?
Justin Farmer: Customers are looking for ways to help lawyers find the answers they need to manage matters, strengthen a relationships or run a practice. And these are just a few of the many focal points for modern lawyers.
They are also seeking efficiencies and convenience. We are all faced with more tasks and activities in our work day, and they all need to be managed in the same amount of time. That’s why our customers seek access to their tasks and information from everywhere – at home, on the road, you name it. They need to be connected and to stay connected to keep the work moving forward.
LC: Last year at VANTAGE, Workspace was announced as a priority. How have you kept this at the forefront? How has this helped your customers with their pain points?
JF: Workspace continues to evolve and provide a single UI for lawyers to get to their data and enter their time anywhere. We offer Workspace for the lawyer on-the-move via Apple and Android devices. Our immediate focus is to continue enhancing the time management capabilities and to provide deeper insights with more robust data and functionality to enable users to get to the information they seek.
In the future, we will continue to extend this platform, enabling customers access to pre-bills for editing as well. This will help them get back these tasks complete so they can focus on the client and the matter at hand.
LC: Every day is full of session options and opportunities to connect, but you are in Nashville! Is there anything unique you plan to do in town?
JF: We are very excited to be in Nashville, and you are right, the conference is packed with education and networking opportunities for our customers and valued partners alike. I always enjoy getting to mingle with our customers at the end of the event at our VANTAGE After Dark event. And like you said, it’s Nashville! Can’t have a trip to Music City without taking in a little show, right?
LC: As you look toward the next three months, what have you heard from customers at VANTAGE that you will be a top priority to focus on?
JF: At VANTAGE I have heard a lot about lawyer enablement, finance business process flexibility and access to data and information. We do a lot of things well, but there is always room for improvement. And that’s what’s great about the conference – we listen and understand where improvements can be made and go after them.
LC: Thank you, Justin.
For more from the VANTAGE Conference this week, follow the announcements and news at or on Twitter at #VANTAGE.