What makes Practitioner Insights so unique?
Ask John Ohle, manager of New Product Development for Thomson Reuters, what makes Practitioner Insights so unique and he will say that it’s because other available Thomson Reuters resources are leveraged. But he thinks Practitioner Insights is fantastic all-around, which would make sense since he was one of the people who developed it.
Current awareness is important to all legal professionals, regardless of where they are in their firm or corporation, from an associate to a managing partner. From trends in the market to particular legislation that is coming out, attorneys don’t want their clients coming to them and asking questions first, according to Ohle. “They want to have the information and proactively go to their clients with it.”
In the video below, Ohle talks about why Thomson Reuters developed Practitioner Insights, why current awareness is so important for legal professionals and why Practitioner Insights is better than other legal current awareness solutions on the market. Stop by booth #307 at ABA Techshow for a free demo, or join a Lunch & Learn on Practitioner Insights, presented by Ohle, on April 5 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Discover Emerging Legal Developments Before Your Clients.