WestlawNext built on NetApp
The underlying goal of all operations at Thomson Reuters is to put the right information into the right hands to produce amazing results, and we achieved this goal with the creation of WestlawNext. However, this revolutionary product required a dynamic and efficient storage foundation to deliver the search capabilities and customer experience we strive for. A robust storage architecture from NetApp met this need.
Thomson Reuters worked with NetApp to create a storage environment that allows the WestlawNext service to search up to 50 times more data and return results 64 percent faster than other online search platforms. This partnership will give lawyers the confidence of a preeminent research tool that enables them to do their jobs effectively and efficiently.
We worked with NetApp to feature the story of WestlawNext in its “Epic Stories” campaign, which highlights different products using NetApp technology.
To learn more, check out the video below or read the full news release here.