Webinar on recent trends in securities-related litigation and what you need to know
In 2011, the financial industry was pummelled with mortgage-backed securities related litigation in the wake of the 2008 mortgage crisis — and with it, a wave of documents to be reviewed.
A panel of securities experts surveyed the damage and provided guidance for the future in the live webinar, “Deeper and Deeper: Recent trends in securities related litigation and what you need to know,” presented by the New York Law Journal in collaboration with Pangea3, a Thomson Reuters business, the most experienced provider of high-quality outsourced legal services to the world’s most respected companies and law firms.
Joe Borstein, director of Litigation Solutions, at Pangea3, and a member of the company’s Mortgage-Backed Securities Taskforce, will present an overview of the year’s key MBS-related litigation, as well as guidance for attorneys working in the field. Webinar topics included:
– Types of claims being litigated
– Industry trends and legal developments
– The future of MBS-related claims: What lies ahead?
Click here to register to view a replay of the event.