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Wednesday 11th Feb 2015
What are the skills and mindset needed to adjust, innovate and thrive in the legal landscape? Colleen Casey Voshell, managing director, FTI Technology, moderated the “Disruption: Three Forces Shaping the Legal Landscape” panel at Legal Tech New York last week. In the video clip below, Voshell and her panelists, including the Honorable John M. Facciola, United ...
Friday 6th Feb 2015
While we were in New York for LegalTech this past week, we sat down with Jean O’Grady, law librarian, knowledge strategist and blogger at Dewey B. Strategic, to talk about the future of the law librarian profession, why she attends LegalTech, and what readers of her blog can take away from reading it. Watch the ...
Friday 21st Nov 2014
Recently, Nina Totenberg, NPR’s award winning legal affairs correspondent, was the keynote speaker at the Twin Cities Cardozo Society Annual Dinner celebrating the legal community. She stopped by the Thomson Reuters Eagan campus to give a packed house of employees an inside look into the Supreme Court. We sat down with Totenberg and asked about ...
Wednesday 1st Oct 2014
Recently, Joshua Kubicki, who designs new business models and innovation strategies for law firms and corporations of all sizes and is an adjunct professor at Michigan State University College of Law, visited Thomson Reuters for an employee event. While he was here, David Curle, director of strategic competitive intelligence at Thomson Reuters, sat down with Kubicki ...
Thursday 28th Aug 2014
Last month, the Fraud Prevention & Investigations business of Thomson Reuters named the recipients of the 2013 Everyday Heroes awards, recognizing agencies and organizations that use Thomson Reuters public and proprietary records search products to make a difference in their communities. Second place winner, IMC/Memorial Healthcare System/Palmar Consulting Group of Hollywood, Fla., shares their story ...
Thursday 14th Aug 2014
We caught up with Gail Cohen, editor in chief of Canadian Lawyer, last week in Boston during the ABA Annual Meeting, where she talked about the release of the 2014 Top 25 Most Influential list For more on the 2014 Top 25 Most Influential, including profiles of all of this year’s honorees, visit
Wednesday 30th Jul 2014
Reuters News Editor Alison Frankel recently sat down with Bryan Garner, editor of Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th Edition. In this 30 minute interview, they discuss Garner’s process when it comes to editing the Dictionary, his love of words, and much more. Frankel updates her On the Case blog multiple times throughout the day on WestlawNext Practitioner Insights. ...
Tuesday 15th Jul 2014
Thomson Reuters understands the value of listening to our customers and gaining insight on how to better serve them. Brian Knudsen, vice president, Large Law for Thomson Reuters, shares some of what he heard from customers during the 107th annual American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) conference in San Antonio, as well as the trends ...
Friday 16th May 2014
Inside Counsel Managing Editor Rich Steeves spoke with Legal Current recapping the 2014 SuperConference and what readers can look forward to for the remainder of the year. Steeves also highlighted the upcoming Women, Influence & Power in Law (WIPL) conference that will be held in September. Visit the site to learn more and engage through ...
Monday 7th Apr 2014
In this guest post, Patrick Hurley, vice president of Global Implementation at Thomson Reuters Elite, reflects on his recent presentation at the LawTech Futures 2014 conference in London, England. LawTech Futures grows bigger, more varied, more interesting and more inspirational every year I attend…and this year was no exception. Despite arriving in the UK that morning from ...
Friday 28th Mar 2014
In the wake of ABA Techshow in Chicago this week, Brian Quinn, senior product developer for WestlawNext, sat down with Legal Current to talk about the latest enhancements to WestlawNext, including Custom Pages, eLibraries and the addition of PeopleMap. He also talked about what the WestlawNext team will be doing at ABA Techshow. “We will ...
Thursday 27th Mar 2014
Firm Central launched just over a year ago and received an excellent acceptance rate as a productivity solution. But now that the dust has settled, additional features will be rolling out to make it an even more efficient tool for practitioners. In the video clip below, Laura Zastrow, senior product developer for Firm Central, talks to ...
Wednesday 26th Mar 2014
Karl Florida, managing director of the small law firm and customer segment at Thomson Reuters, welcomes Legal Current visitors to ABA Techshow in the video clip below. He also talks about the trends he is seeing as law firms are increasingly adopting the cloud to help manage their practice and manage their technology, as well ...