Upcoming Interview of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Prof. Arthur Miller
As we continue our special series of podcasts on the 50th anniversary of the first publication of Wright & Miller’s Federal Practice & Procedure, we’re pleased to announce that our upcoming episodes will feature a discussion between Professor Arthur Miller, one of the treatise’s founding authors, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.
Thomson Reuters is proud to present a podcast series throughout this anniversary year featuring Professor Miller sitting down with other thought leaders in the legal world to discuss the current state of affairs and the challenges facing the federal judicial system.
In the upcoming two-part interview, Professor Miller and Justice Ginsburg discuss their overlapping journeys in the law, first as classmates at Harvard Law School, as attorneys arguing cases before the Supreme Court, and in their current roles, respectively, as law school professor and Supreme Court Justice. Justice Ginsburg discusses what she considers to be the most important change in the law and the courts that she witnessed during her career. Professor Miller and Justice Ginsburg also discuss the most significant changes in civil procedure over recent decades, what makes for an effective argument before the Supreme Court, and Professor Miller asks Justice Ginsburg about her thoughts on the Academy Award-winning documentary about her life and how it feels to have become a cultural icon as a Supreme Court justice.
The episodes will air on Legal Current in the coming weeks.