Thoughts from Andy Adkins
What would our LegalTech coverage be without thoughts from Andy Adkins? Many of you are familiar with his work, but for those who aren’t, Adkins is a 20-year vet in this industry, currently serving as president of the Legal Technology Institute. He also owns the firm Adkins Consulting.
When we talked with him, he shared his belief that LegalTech has always been one of the greatest technology shows out there. It’s a place for firms of all sizes to get a first-hand look at the latest and greatest in law firm technology.
Like most of us, Adkins was quick to discover interesting trends and ideas coming out of LegalTech this year, one of which is cloud-based case management and workflow solutions. In this video, Adkins suggests that with greater funding now within reach, firms of all sizes are looking into new technology.
Even at an event as large and busy as LegalTech, Adkins is hard to miss in his trademark cowboy hat – and who would want to miss that?