Thomson Reuters Recognizes Springfield Police Department with Everyday Heroes Award

Every single day, law enforcement and government investigative professionals, and their counterparts in the private sector protect all of us from people who might do harm to our persons or property. They do so quietly, and without regard to fame or fortune. We’re proud to support this work with investigative tools, including CLEAR and Westlaw PeopleMap.
For the last seven years, Thomson Reuters has worked to tell the unique stories of our customers in law enforcement, as well as corporate and law firm investigations, who make a difference in the communities they serve. We call this our Everyday Heroes Award program.
This year, Thomson Reuters is proud to honor the Springfield (Mass.) Police Department (SPD) with the 2018 Everyday Heroes award.
The SPD was recognized for its use of Thomson Reuters CLEAR to locate and arrest a sexual predator. Armed only with the perpetrator’s first name and potential street location, investigators were able to affirmatively identify the suspect and uncover his significant criminal history. When the victim came in to look at a photo array, she pointed at the suspect and exclaimed, “That’s him!” Soon after, the suspect was arrested and charged with kidnapping, assault and battery, aggravated rape, indecent assault and battery.
According to a 2010 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistic report, only 16 to 35 percent of all sexual assaults are reported to law enforcement. And of every 1,000 rapes reported, as few as 57 suspects are ever arrested. This is a case where law enforcement – in cooperation with a courageous victim – stood against the odds to find the suspect. It’s the definition of heroism, and it was an honor to stand alongside Police Commissioner John Barbieri and representatives from the SPD at an award ceremony last week to recognize this work.
As the recipient of the award, the SPD received a $10,000 charitable donation made by Thomson Reuters on its behalf to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). Lindsey Olson, executive director of the Exploited Child Division with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, was at the ceremony as well, and we’re thrilled to continue to support this organization in its mission to prevent the exploitation of youth in our country.
I’d like to also recognize the fact that we received numerous additional stories from other customers this year, and I invite you to visit to read their accounts, and those of past winners.
Congratulations to the Crime Analysis Unit at SPD, and thank you for your everyday heroism.
This post was written by Rob Russell, senior director, Government, Thomson Reuters.