Thomson Reuters Pride @ Work and the impact of Obergefell v. Hodges

The following post was written by Scott Morgan, senior director, Customer Service at Thomson Reuters.
On June 26, 2015, my colleague Helene Haapala and I were chairing our monthly Pride @ Work meeting at Thomson Reuters. Barb Geisman, the Pride @ Work executive sponsor, had a feeling that SCOTUS would release their decision on Obergefell v. Hodges during the meeting, and right before Pride weekend, no less.
Helene was dialed-in on our conference line, and as we were proceeding with our meeting, she reported, “The decision is in!” A hush fell across the room, and we held our collective breath. Helene revealed that the Supreme Court decision had finally settled the issue of marriage equality in our nation, holding that states must allow same-sex marriage and recognize same-sex marriages performed outside of their jurisdiction.
After tears, laughter, many hugs and an impromptu coffee celebration in our café, I couldn’t have been more proud to share this moment with my colleagues. The huge swell of support across the company, for me personally and Pride @ Work globally, has been overwhelming!
Fast forward to last week when I received an invitation from Nicole Hansen and Athena Hollins from our Community Relations team to “save the date” for a special presentation on August 17. I soon found out that Community Relations had taken the liberty of gorgeously framing the aluminum plates from Thomson Reuters first printing of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision and wanted to hold a ceremony to give them to Helene and me on behalf of Thomson Reuters Pride @ Work team. I was completely stunned with this kindness and continued celebration of this historic ruling.
The ceremony itself was such an emotional and magical moment, and to be joined by Ed Friedland, general counsel, Sharon Sayles Belton, vice president, Government Affairs & Community Relations, the Pride @ Work team, our fellow Business Resource Group leads and members of the Legal Diversity Council, was a distinct pleasure.
“I never thought this would happen in my lifetime,” Ed shared. His remarks were a heartfelt and passionate reminder that those assembled that afternoon shared the joy of this momentous court decision.
The words “thank you” are simply inadequate to express my appreciation to Ed, Sharon, Nicole and Athena for one of the most memorable moments in my life. And I look forward to walking by the display case on our campus where the framed plates will reside and serve as a reminder of that day.