Thomson Reuters Launches iOS app for 10th Edition of Black’s Law Dictionary

Thomson Reuters has released the iOS app for Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th Edition. For more than a century, Black’s Law Dictionary has been the gold standard for ensuring a common understanding of the growing language of law. It also is the most widely cited resource in legal arguments and judicial opinions. Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th Edition contains more than 50,000 terms, including 7,500 new entries.
The new iOS app contains many new features, such as:
- “Did You Mean” search functionality: A spell checker functionality that provides alternative suggestions for misspelled search terms
- “Define in Black’s”: Define words within definition text by selecting a word and tapping Define in Black’s
- Enhanced linking: Link to subentries and cross-references from a search result, within a definition, and between definitions; link to Westlaw content via the WestlawNext iPad app
- Word of the Day: Audio pronunciation available on all Word of the Day entries; link to full definition from Word of the Day tab; history slider on Word of the Day tab provides quick navigation to previous Word of the Day entries
- History: Track viewed definitions and sort by date or alphabetical order
- Intuitive structure, formatted for easy reading and navigation.
The app can be downloaded from iTunes.