Thomson Reuters highlights ProView eReader, WestlawNext Patron Access at AALL 2011
Taking center stage at the Thomson Reuters booth at AALL this year are ProView, the new eReader software application designed specifically to meet the needs of legal professionals, and WestlawNext Patron Access, a version of WestlawNext developed for the public-library setting.
Thomson Reuters ProView will allow users to access ProView digital eBooks anywhere, anytime with the advanced features that legal researchers need, including full-text Boolean search, standardized formatting and links to WestlawNext content.
Dan Bennett, senior director, Mobile Technology Strategy, demonstrated the new product at the Thomson Reuters booth Saturday night. View a recap of the demo here.
WestlawNext Patron Access is designed to meet the needs of public library patrons, allowing them to quickly get started and navigate their research with fewer questions.
Stay tuned to Legal Current for a guest post on WestlawNext Patron Access from marketing manager Nancy Wiens, as well as for further coverage of AALL 2011.