Thomson Reuters and University of Wisconsin-Stout collaborate on new digital marketing technology major

A new, first-of-its-kind undergraduate major at University of Wisconsin-Stout in digital marketing technology, which grew out of a strengthened relationship with Thomson Reuters, was approved Friday by the UW System Board of Regents. This unique public-private partnership has resulted in an innovative degree program that prepares students for employment in some of the fastest-growing technology fields and helps employers meet their growing needs for qualified talent.
This undergraduate degree program is believed to be the first in the nation that combines instruction in marketing, business, online and social media, computer science and web technologies such as search engine optimization. It provides multi-disciplinary skills that are in high demand in today’s digital economy, and graduates will be well-prepared for sought-after positions not only with Thomson Reuters but also with companies across the region, as well as around the world.
“Having the right skilled talent is critical to our continued growth, yet like many employers, we have been challenged to find enough qualified candidates with broad foundational skills in digital marketing technology,” said Craig Yolitz, vice president FindLaw. “University of Wisconsin-Stout has been an able and eager partner to develop an innovative program to equip students with the precise skill sets sought by today’s employers.”
“This is an excellent example of how UW-Stout responds to the needs of business and industry,” said University Chancellor Bob Meyer. “We heard there was an unmet need in the marketplace for graduates with digital marketing technology skills and worked hard to a find a way to meet that need.”
The new digital marketing degree program was built on the foundation of UW-Stout’s minors in Web Technology and Enterprise Technology Systems. Thomson Reuters helped develop the curriculum and provides classroom instructors for the Web Technology minor, and will continue to do so for the new digital marketing technology major.
The new major in digital marketing technology will begin this fall, and be delivered online, making it available to students nationwide and internationally.