The rule of law, the US Constitution and Thomson Reuters
The U.S. Constitution is one of the most powerful and impactful documents in existence. It literally touches every American’s life, and has since its creation in 1787. Recently, I had the opportunity to view the document first-hand as part of a new exhibit, “We the People: The First Official Printing of the U.S. Constitution,” sponsored by Thomson Reuters in partnership with the Minnesota Historical Society. The exhibit includes one of only eight existing original printed copies of the U.S. Constitution that were sent to the states to be ratified.
Thomson Reuters sponsorship is fitting because the rule of law, articulated so effectively in the U.S. Constitution, is at the heart of the work we do here every day.
“As part of our daily work, we get to see that these documents – the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights – are not only historically important, but as alive today as they were at the time of these early printings,” said Mike Suchsland, president of the Legal business of Thomson Reuters at the unveiling reception for the exhibit. “According to Westlaw, in the first three months of this year, there were more than 600 decisions issued in federal courts involving the First Amendment alone,” said Suchsland.
To learn more about this exhibit, visit “We the People: The First Official Printing of the U.S. Constitution.” Or better yet, if you’re in the neighborhood you can stop by the Minnesota History Center and see it in person.