Westlaw UK Dockets, an enhancement including more than 230,000 court dockets, will be available on Westlaw Edge UK and Westlaw UK – and to Dockets subscribers in the United States – beginning Feb. 2. Initially, it will include dockets from the High Court, with additional UK courts’ proceedings added over time. A docket – a record …
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Westlaw UK
Thomson Reuters and the Counsel General for Wales Launch Free Online Resource for Welsh Legislation
London – Thomson Reuters is pleased to announce that its Westlaw UK solution is to help form the nucleus of an authoritative online guide to Welsh law which will assist lawyers, businesses and the public to better understand devolved law in Wales. The new bilingual service, Cyfraith Cymru / Law Wales, has been spearheaded by the …
- July 14, 2015
- Paul Sandell
Thomson Reuters and Obelisk Support team-up to help boost corporate legal departments
The Legal business of Thomson Reuters and Obelisk Support, the multilingual legal business built around communities of highly-skilled lawyers, recently announced an innovative collaboration to help corporate legal departments deliver greater value to their stakeholders. The collaboration comes at a time when corporate legal departments, faced with an increasing workload and the need to manage costs …
- September 23, 2014
- Paul Sandell
Defamation cases against media groups in the UK halve in five years
Interesting news out of the United Kingdom this week: The number of reported defamation court cases against media companies in the UK has reached its lowest point in five years, falling from 48 in 2008-2009 to just 20 in 2012-2013,* according to research by the Legal business of Thomson Reuters. In addition, there were a total …
- November 11, 2013
- Susan Martin