“There are many different ways bad people can get to your data. You should be concerned about it and you should do something about it.” That’s the assessment of Nicholas Barone, Director, Consulting Services Group, Eisner Amper LLP, speaking on a cybersecurity panel at the 15th annual Law Firm COO & CFO Forum in …
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October podcast: Egg-freezing, FantasySCOTUS and aggressive mopping
In this month’s Legal Current podcast, we cover: -Legal news: Apple, Facebook’s egg-freezing benefit: Three questions for employers. -Legal trends & insights: Dropbox wasn’t “hacked,” but should you worry anyway? -News from Thomson Reuters: FantasySCOTUS launches sixth season, sponsored by Thomson Reuters -On the legal blogs: “Aggressive mopper” arrested; made hotel worker cry You can …
- October 31, 2014
- Susan Martin
Corporate boards vulnerable to hacking and information theft
A new survey of major corporations found significant security gaps that leave sensitive board-level information open to information theft and hacking. Those are among the findings of a new survey of board members of UK and global corporations conducted by Thomson Reuters Governance, Risk & Compliance. Most corporations surveyed have one or more of the following potential security …
- September 21, 2011
- Jeff McCoy