Emily Colbert, senior vice president of product management at Thomson Reuters, joined Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell on the Kennedy Mighell Report to talk about how legal professionals are using AI. They discussed the integration of generative AI into Practical Law, which Colbert emphasized required extensive human expertise. They also talked about driving efficiencies and …
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dennis kennedy
2021 Highlights: Practical Law Dynamic Tool Set
As 2021 winds down, Legal Current is looking back at the milestones and key accomplishments from the Legal Professionals business of Thomson Reuters. Today we highlight the launch of Practical Law Dynamic Tool Set, which Thomson Reuters introduced in July. The tool set includes features in Practical Law that use AI and dynamic graphical navigation …
- December 6, 2021
- Carrie Brooker
Focusing Product Development Around Customers’ Needs
At Thomson Reuters, product development is driven by working closely with customers to meet their evolving needs through the application of innovative technology. The 2020 launches of Legal Data APIs, Legislative Insights on Westlaw Edge and Practical Law Global underscore our commitment to helping our customers better serve their clients. The introduction of Thomson Reuters …
- February 24, 2020
- Carrie Brooker