The pandemic accelerated efforts to modernize the U.S. court system. Yet ongoing delays, backlogs, and workforce shortages indicate that courts should continue investing in technology to run more efficiently. “But it’s going to take more than Zoom hearings and emailed PDFs to make that so,” Judge Samuel A. Thumma, who serves on the Arizona Court …
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2023 State of the Courts Report: How Quick Check Judicial Helps the U.S. Justice System Operate More Efficiently
The U.S. court system is plagued by delays, backlogs, and workforce shortages. As CJ Lechtenberg, senior director of product management, Westlaw, explains, “Case backlogs became more prevalent with the pandemic and the state of backlogs has not improved in the past three years.” The 2023 State of the Courts Report found that courts should invest in …
- March 9, 2023
- Carrie Brooker
Change Management and Buy-In – The Final Ingredient of the Court Case Management Cookbook
The third and final ingredient for the Court Case Management Cookbook gets a little personal. We can dive into the technical details of systems and the benefits of various technology stacks. But when it comes down to the day-to-day use and success of a system it hinges on the ability for the court staff to …
- September 14, 2017
- Alex Cook
Configuration vs. Customization – the second ingredient of the Court Case Management Cookbook
Creating an innovation-seeking RFP was the first key ingredient to the Court Case Management Cookbook. Now that you’re taking a more discerning look the technology needs of your court, the second key ingredient is ensuring the system is configurable. When in the midst of selecting a court case management system (CMS), the pull to select …
- September 13, 2017
- Alex Cook
Court Case Management Cookbook – Do you have the right ingredients to build a successful case management system?
The right ingredients make all the difference. From baking to sportscars, the quality of the elements that make up the whole can be a delight or a disaster. At the Court Technology Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, Thomson Reuters will showcase three key ingredients to building a successful court case management system (CMS). Throughout …
- September 12, 2017
- Alex Cook
Mental Illness, Access to Justice & Legal Solutions
The issue of providing adequate access to justice for people with mental illness has grown in importance as these situations continue to strain strapped state and federal budgets and public and governmental agencies try to work together to find solutions. A new white paper, entitled How are Civil Courts Meeting the Challenge of Mental Health?, …
- September 19, 2016
- Alex Cook