We’re packing our bags for Washington, D.C., to attend the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting & Conference! As AALL hosts information professionals from across the globe over the next few days, Thomson Reuters is proud to again serve as a sponsor, and more importantly, to have an opportunity to hear from our …
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American Association of Law Librarians Annual Meeting & Conference
As legal information professionals from across the globe gather in Washington, D.C. for the 2019 American Association of Law Librarians Annual Meeting & Conference, let’s connect and celebrate our innovative industry and profession. Thomson Reuters is once again proud to sponsor the 2019 annual meeting and conference, as well as the George A. Strait Minority Scholarship …
- July 11, 2019
- Jeff McCoy
Westlaw Edge Feature Update: Jurisdictional Surveys
This week, Legal Current is showcasing how customer feedback shaped last year’s Westlaw Edge launch and how listening to customers continues to inform the enhancements Thomson Reuters has added to the platform in the past 12 months. We shared how customers helped shape Litigation Analytics and Regulations Compare. Today we’ll look at Jurisdictional Surveys, the …
- July 10, 2019
- Carrie Brooker
Westlaw Edge Feature Update: Regulations Compare
This week, Legal Current puts the spotlight on how customer feedback shaped last year’s Westlaw Edge launch and how listening to customers continues to inform the enhancements Thomson Reuters has added to the platform in the past 12 months. We explored how customers helped strengthen Litigation Analytics, and today we’ll look at Regulations Compare. The …
- July 9, 2019
- Carrie Brooker
Westlaw Edge Feature Update: Analytics
The launch of Westlaw Edge nearly one year ago was a major advancement in legal research. It provided legal professionals with AI-driven legal search, exclusive warnings for law that is no longer valid, unrivaled litigation analytics, and sophisticated research tools to help them deliver results to clients faster and more accurately. One year later, the …
- July 8, 2019
- Carrie Brooker
#AALL19: Artificial Intelligence and Implicit Bias
Are you biased? You may not think so, but what about implicit bias? Is bias the negative form of perspective? The topic of bias may be uncomfortable and an area many would prefer to avoid. Most of us know we have a bias for many things; they can be as simple as preferring a booth …
- July 2, 2019
- Jeff McCoy
#AALL19: Federal and State Court Analytics Deep Dive
Baseball has a statistic for nearly everything and can inform the audience of a batter’s average against left-handed pitchers, on the road, during afternoon games, when the temperature is above 85 degrees in July. Sports, maybe one of the most famous users and consumers of data for analysis, disseminates that data to increase engagement of …
- July 2, 2019
- Jeff McCoy
#AALL2019: Celebrating 100 Years of American Law Reports
We’re commemorating the 100-year anniversary of American Law Reports – probably best known simply as ALR – and we look forward to celebrating at the 2019 American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting & Conference. With its first article published in 1919, ALR has been frequently cited by the courts for a century. It …
- July 1, 2019
- Carrie Brooker
#AALL19: Fostering the NextGen Library Professional
“As client needs, expectations and behaviors are changing, we are seeing many firms adopt highly innovative approaches to drive greater efficiency, predictability and cost-effectiveness. Clients have more choices than ever for meeting their legal needs, and leading firms are now tailoring their strategies and delivery models to provide legal services in the manner that most effectively …
- June 26, 2019
- Jeff McCoy
#AALL19: Library of Congress Opens Doors for Thomson Reuters Customer Appreciation Event
The annual Thomson Reuters Customer Appreciation Event held during the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) annual meeting and conference will be at the renowned Library of Congress on July 15. Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress, will deliver a brief keynote on the importance of public access to justice and legal information. Attendees will …
- June 24, 2019
- Jeff McCoy