Reuters News Editor Alison Frankel recently sat down with Bryan Garner, editor of Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th Edition. In this 30 minute interview, they discuss Garner’s process when it comes to editing the Dictionary, his love of words, and much more. Frankel updates her On the Case blog multiple times throughout the day on WestlawNext Practitioner Insights. …
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Alison Frankel
Practitioner Insights makes current awareness information more relevant than ever before
Since it was introduced in March, Legal Current has followed Practitioner Insights closely, discussing its premier appearance at the ABA Techshow, the qualities that make it so unique and the team of experienced attorney editors who make it all work. Now, we’re pleased to provide some insight into the new practice pages on Practitioner Insights, …
- July 2, 2013
- Kelsey Engbrecht
Alison Frankel from Aspen: Justice Kagan calls surveillance cases ‘growth industry’
This post was written by Allison Frankel, editor, On The Case Speaking late Saturday afternoon at the Aspen Ideas Festival, U.S Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was every bit as diplomatic as you would expect a woman who has survived the Senate confirmation process to be. Chief Justice John Roberts? “A great chief justice,” who …
- July 2, 2013
- Susan Martin
Alison Frankel on America’s opportunity gap – and why it’s bad for lawyers
This post was written by Allison Frankel, editor, On The Case Near the end of a delightful interview at the Aspen Ideas Festival, CBS journalist Rita Braver asked Williams & Connolly superlawyer Robert Barnett – who also happens to be her husband of many decades – what advice he would offer to young attorneys. Could …
- July 1, 2013
- Susan Martin
Alison Frankel on the biggest idea at Aspen Ideas Festival
This post was written by Allison Frankel, editor, On The Case Biggest idea at Aspen Ideas Festival: Don’t run from risk. Grab it For lawyers and their clients, opportunity is knocking. You just have to be willing to open the door. It is a truth (almost) universally acknowledged that a law firm in possession of …
- July 1, 2013
- Susan Martin
Alison Frankel on election savant Nate Silver: Why punditocracy gets politics wrong
This post was written by Allison Frankel, editor, On The Case If Nate Silver, the data-driven New York Times FiveThirtyEight blogger who nailed state-by-state results in the 2012 presidential election, had been a better baseball player or a more satisfied KPMG numbers cruncher, our current political discourse would be a lot less analytically savvy than …
- June 27, 2013
- Susan Martin
Professional news has arrived in New York
Announced in today’s news release, Thomson Reuters has launched a website and mobile app for New York-based legal practitioners that bring together cutting-edge news from Reuters, the global news leader, with unmatched legal analysis and materials from Westlaw, the leader in legal research. This new offering, launched under the broader Thomson Reuters News & Insight suite, covers everything from the …
- May 13, 2011
- Susan Martin