Midsized law firms are increasingly implementing cloud-based systems as they recognize the strategic advantages to improving their technology platforms. Firms like Wisconsin-based Davis & Kuelthau, S.C., which is transitioning from Enterprise to the cloud version of 3E, want solutions that will reduce their hardware infrastructure investment and improve flexibility, while improving technology security and remote …
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3E in the Cloud
Thomson Reuters Elite Announces 3E Matter Pricing and first 3E Cloud Customer at VANTAGE 2018 Worldwide Conference
The more than 1000 Elite customers helped kick off the VANTAGE Worldwide conference today at the morning keynote session where Eric Ruud, Elite’s managing director, announced the launch of 3E Matter Pricing, and the first Elite 3E Cloud customer go live. 3E® Matter Pricing is a new suite of tools which provides firms with valuable …
- June 19, 2018
- Gretchen DeSutter