As a large business with operations across the world, Thomson Reuters is committed to responsible and sustainable business practices as demonstrated through our daily decisions, our work in local communities and also through the products we offer. And at the annual AALL conference this week, we will be highlighting these business practices.

Last year, Thomson Reuters introduced Sustainability on The popular microsite combines insight from across the company, and from a valued community of external partners, including the United Nations, Audubon, the World Wildlife Fund, as well as thought leaders in sustainability from the business community. The site provides a global view of Sustainability from experts in climate, energy, health, law and corporate governance.

Thomson Reuters is itself deeply committed to sustainability. For example, we have an ongoing program to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions across the business. In 2011, we set a modest target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 5 percent from 2010 levels by 2015. We achieved this in 2012, and are continuing to review and reduce our carbon footprint. Our own work across the sustainability space continues on the ground in our local communities with our many global partnerships and alongside our customers through our dedicated suite of sustainability products. Whether it is providing ESG (environmental, social, governance) data helping investors make informed decisions, or offering information to government bodies to secure land rights for vulnerable communities, we are proud of our work and the impact we can have.

Several weeks ago, during the first United Nations Environmental Program conference in Nairobi, Kenya, Thomson Reuters launched a blog dedicated exclusively to sustainability. Like the sustainability page on, the blog is managed by Tim Nixon, who is passionate about global environmental issues such as environmental policy and law, climate change and carbon management. The blog is a space to provide regular insights on emerging trends in the global field of sustainability. Since the content on the Sustainability website is mostly long-form reporting, the blog will allow for more daily engagement around the topic in an easier-to-digest format.

Thomson Reuters is about bringing transparency and trust around important information that professionals and other individuals need to work and engage in society. The sustainability space and the thinkers who are driving it are an important part of this larger network of information needed by our customers. Stop by the Thomson Reuters booth at AALL to learn more about our sustainability program.

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