Super Lawyers presents top 5 things to consider when selecting a law school

The following post comes from Patrick Dunn of Super Lawyers marketing and communications team.
It seems like everywhere you turn someone has an opinion on law school: is it worth the investment? What type of law should you study? Where should you go?
To help prospective law students find answers from a trusted source, Super Lawyers has turned to its Advisory Board and top attorneys from its ranked lists to create
Among the key features of the site is a review of the top five things to consider when selecting a law school:
• School location
• School environment
• Type of law to practice
• Job accessibility
• Likelihood of acceptance
In addition, the site features searchable institution profiles for the 200 ABA-approved law schools, which includes information such as cost of tuition, median GPA, LSAT requirements and average grant amount.
“We recognize the importance of legal education to producing the quality lawyers of tomorrow,” said Julie Gleason, director of research for Super Lawyers. “We hope our site provides a wide variety of expertise, so prospective students can make an informed decision and get acquainted with accredited law schools.”
It’s no secret that the Super Lawyers mission is to celebrate outstanding attorneys—it makes sense that we also would shed light on the law schools that produce those attorneys. So we have taken this data to rank law schools across three key criteria:
• Top 10 Schools for Value and Quality of Education
• Top 10 Schools for Pro Bono Graduation Requirements
• Top 10 Schools with Highest Caliber Graduates, Most Prepared to Practice
We expect that these lists may start a few interesting conversations among attorneys, but our aim is to guide prospective law students onto a successful career path.
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