At any moment, and from around the world, affordable goods are available in our global economy through a few simple clicks. But behind the free movement of these goods lays a complex supply chain, that if mismanaged or misused by any one party, can lead to risk for any number of organizations. From potential slave labor on the supply-side, to smuggling and/or trafficking in the physical movement of goods, or even falsified data or money laundering in record keeping, a well-managed, transparent supply chain is crucial.

To address these issues, Steve Rubley, chief executive officer of Thomson Reuters Special Services and managing director for the Government segment of Thomson Reuters, participated in a panel discussion, entitled “Risk-Proofing the Government Supply Chain,” presented by WTOP/Federal News Radio in Washington, D.C. and sponsored by Thomson Reuters. The hour-long webinar featured government and industry thought leaders as they discussed the standards of the reliability being used to minimize the risk to the government supply chain. In addition to Rubley, the panelists include:

  • Lynn Kohl, vice commander, Naval Supply Chain Systems Command
  • Michael Scott, deputy director, Logistics Operations, Defense Logistics Agency
  • Emile Monette, cybersecurity strategist, Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, Department of Homeland Security
  • Jason Miller, executive editor, Federal News Radio 1500 AM and

You can listen to the panel here.

As Rubley noted during the discussion: “Open source information is critical to understanding [supply chain] risk.” And certainly, Thomson Reuters is no stranger to these issues. The  inaugural Thomson Reuters Government Conference featured a discussion on the impact of forced labor on the supply chain. The second annual Thomson Reuters Government Conference picked up on this thread to address the interplay between economic competitiveness and prosperity in global trade and the need for transparency in the supply chain.

Additional insights on these issues can be found in our recent white paper, Supply Chain Risk Management – The Complexities of Managing Risks in Complex Global Supply Chains.

And for more insights on the government supply chain from the WTOP/Federal News Radio panel, click here.


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