Slightly pregnant, social media privacy laws & “mockbusters” – Podcast: August 2012
We’ve got a terrific episode for you this month highlighting the legal aspects of some major news stories. To start, our “Chaos in the Courts” segment highlights an unusual way a woman tried to ditch law enforcement which included being “slightly pregnant and slightly in labor”.
Then in our “On the Blawgs” segment we feature a blog post about social media privacy laws.
Our interview segment is with Jon Steinsapir of Kinsella Weitzman, who talks about the controversial “mockbuster” industry and the legal implications concerning these knockoffs of Hollywood’s biggest hits.
The complete interview with Jon Steinsapir about mockbusters can be found here.
We then wrap-up with our “In the News” segment featuring a story from Thomson Reuters News & Insight about recent agreements between branded and generic drug companies allegedly colluding to delay generic competition.
Listen to the episode now by clicking the Play button on the built-in player below, or download an mp3 file to listen to later by right-clicking here.
We’re also on iTunes (just enter “Legal Current” in the search box).
If you have a suggestion for a future interview or episode theme, just leave a comment on this blog post or send an email to You can also follow us on Twitter, it’s @legalcurrent.
Show notes for August 2012:
0:00-0:44 Open
0:49-2:28 “Chaos in the Courts”
2:33-4:09 “On the Blawgs”
4:10- 6:07 Interview/Jon Steinsapir
6:13-7:54 “In the News” with Thomson Reuters News & Insight
7:55-8:18 Closing comments