Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Since #MeToo

Since the first sexual harassment allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein jolted the country into awareness and ignited the #MeToo movement, businesses, HR professionals, employment lawyers and advocacy groups refocused their attention to the already-fraught issue of workplace harassment.
In a special section of Westlaw Journal Employment, attorneys representing businesses and workers lend their experience and expertise to the topic, setting out the challenges, the law and the practical steps for navigating this dynamic legal landscape.
The authors discuss the implications of workplace sexual harassment from a variety of angles, including employers’ need to reevaluate their policies and practices, the possible impact on the issue of pay equality and the pros and cons of recent legislative reactions.
Highlights of the special section include:
The #MeToo movement: Implications for employers
Epstein Becker & Green attorneys David W. Garland and Nathaniel M. Glasser discuss employers’ considerations in responding to the #MeToo and #TimesUp sexual harassment movements and the broader impact these movements may have on pay equity and other related issues going forward.
Perils of bad investigations: Both sides of the sexual harassment story
Lauren B. Harris and Audrie R. Howard of Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale discuss the importance of investigations into workplace sexual harassment claims and offer practical tips to help employers avoid liability.
In the wake of #MeToo, employers must revisit, revamp practices
Susan Brooks of T.H. Easter Consulting discusses the need for employers to reassess employment practices in the wake of the #MeToo movement.
Harassment in the workplace 20 years after Faragher
Schwartz Perry & Heller partners Davida S. Perry and Brian Heller explore how two landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions have shaped the conversation about sexual harassment in the workplace over the last two decades, what rules have been implemented and what work remains.
WhatToDo about #MeToo? An employer’s guide to preventing liability for workplace sexual harassment
Todd R. Wulffson and Ashley A. Halberda of Carothers DiSante & Freudenberger offer guidelines for employers investigating sexual harassment complaints.
Unintended consequences: How legislative responses to #MeToo may harm harassment victims
Littler Mendelson PC attorney Helene Wasserman suggests that recent legislative attempts to combat sexual harassment in the workplace following the onslaught of such allegations in late 2017 may make it more difficult for victims to find justice.
For more insights from these contributors and more, visit Westlaw Journals and Practitioner Insights on Westlaw.