SEC update from Marc Gold at the ACC Annual Meeting

One of the first sessions at the 2014 ACC annual meeting in New Orleans focused on U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission-related developments over the last 12 months that are applicable to corporate counsel.
The panel featured: Marc Gold, senior vice president and associate general counsel, corporate & securities, Thomson Reuters; Atiba Adams, vice president, corporate secretary and chief governance counsel, Pfizer; Carol Ward, vice president and corporate secretary, Mondelez International, Inc.; and Smeeta Ramarathnam, chief of staff to commissioner Luis A. Aguilar, Securities and Exchange Commission.
Gold, who enjoyed a homecoming of sorts as he earned his law degree from Tulane, spoke with Legal Current, recapping part of the session. He mentioned the key types of shareholder proposals seen during the 2014 proxy season and he noted a few suggestions for companies to start to prepare for the upcoming 2015 proxy season. In addition, Gold noted that organizations with global shareholders should keep in mind new disclosure requirements in countries outside of the U.S., such as new Canadian rules to disclose information about women on boards and in senior management.
To access the presentation from this session at the ACC annual meeting, click here.