Retiring Westlaw Classic
Thomson Reuters will retire Westlaw Classic on Aug. 31, 2015, after years of faithful service to the U.S. legal market. For customers that still rely on the legacy Westlaw Classic platform for some of their research needs, we are committed to ensuring a smooth and managed transition to WestlawNext.
Read the full announcement on the Legal Solutions blog.
It is very upsetting to hear that Thomson Reuters is retiring Westlaw Classic. Why can’t both services be offered? I believe it is Westlaw Classic that made Westlaw superior to other research companies. I may have to rethink what company I will choose to contract with now that you are retiring Westlaw classic. Sometimes more isn’t necessarily better and Westlaw classic is what made Thomson Reuters a cut above everyone else. I sincerely hope you reconsider your decision to retire Westlaw classic and make both services available. Thank you for your time and attention.