Reducing Litigation Friction Points
Looking at the flow of information in the litigation process, there are several points of friction inside and outside the firm. As clients demand more efficiency from the firms they work with, taking a closer look at litigation workflows can realize considerable cost savings for the firm and in turn, the client.
An ILTA 2011 session on Reducing Litigation Friction Points discussed how implementing new technologies and streamlining the flow of data within the firm are two ways to help reduce some of these inefficiencies.
Challenges stem from successfully adopting new technologies as well as coping with the substantial increase in information involved in cases. For the past several years, the amount of information has been growing twice as fast as the cost to process that information.
So how are law firms covering the cost to manage this large amount of data? Often, they find that data carrying costs don’t add up, and many are finding themselves in a bit of a squeeze as a result.
There are a lot of products, including several from Thomson Reuters, that can help improve the litigation workflow and make attorneys more efficient. Many firms, however, find that it can be a challenge getting lawyers to adopt these tools. The panel suggested first targeting the heavy technology users in a firm to create advocates for the new systems, and also promoting technology processes as a differentiator in a firm’s marketing efforts to help improve adoption.
We grabbed a minute with Allison Guidette, senior vice president and general manager of Litigation to hear her thoughts on the discussion.